
P-34: Safe Handling of Ozone-Containing Mixtures Including the Installation and Operation of Ozone-Generating Equipment

This publication presents general information regarding the characteristics of ozone, the means by which it can be handled safely, and the safe installation and operation of ozone-generating equipment. Requests for specialized, technical information regarding specific types of ozone-generating equipment should be directed to the manufacturers of equipment used to produce ozone gas.

This publication is intended primarily for users of ozone and manufacturers of equipment used to produce ozone. It is limited to dry (less than 100 ppm moisture) oxygen-ozone, air-ozone mixtures at pressures up to 2 atm (gauge), and up to 16 weight percent ozone.

This publication does not address ozone generator power supply units (PSUs). Recommendations regarding operations, maintenance, and safeguards for PSUs can be obtained from the ozone generator manufacturer.

This publication also does not address specific operating and maintenance specifications for ozone generators, including the variety of coolants used, freeze protection, corrosion aspects, etc. This information is critical to the safe operation of ozone generators, and shall be obtained from the ozone generator manufacturer due to the varying requirements for different systems.
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February 2022
Available To the Public
11 pages
Special Attributes:
Atmospheric Gases and Equipment
G-4  |  G-4.1  |  P-20  |  P-76