
P-89: Prevention of Plant Instrument and Utility Gas System Cross Contamination

This publication provides recommendations and minimum requirements for the design and safeguards of utility and instrument gas systems and their interconnections, both permanent and temporary. It includes startup systems as well as maintenance and continuous purge connections. It identifies the potential hazards resulting from the connections between purge gases, instrument gases, and the process. These requirements may also be considered for existing facilities.

This publication does not cover process or product cross-contamination issues, but some of the principles covered in this publication could apply.

This publication does not cover breathing air systems.

This publication was developed around and applies to HP plants, which are facilities that produce hydrogen and/or carbon monoxide. These plants are typically operated with feed stocks such as natural gas, refinery off gas, naphtha, and other light hydrocarbons. The principles and concepts identified in this publication are applicable to other segments of the gases industry (for example, specialty gas plants and air separation units), although some of the scenarios described might not apply and some design details can require modification. Other technologies could require either more or less stringent minimum requirements depending on the specific application, whether contamination is a safety concern or a quality or reliability concern, and the severity of any consequences.
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November 2021
Available To the Public
19 pages
Special Attributes:
Hydrogen Production
P-76  |  P-78